Calming, gentle candle light from our safe and easy to use kerry oil candles and electric votive candle stands

"All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."

Francis of Assisi


Delivering safety and efficiency for more than 30 years

As the company name suggests, the business had its origin in Ireland with the manufacture and sale of oil candles. While the Church has maintained the tradition of using oil candles since biblical times, more recently Parishes became keen to eliminate the mess left on altar linen and carpets and the resulting soot and smoke damage through the use of paraffin wax candles, both in the sanctuary and in votive stands using wax tapers or slim paraffin wax candles.

Our business started in Australia over thirty years ago, following the establishment of similar businesses first in Ireland and then in the United States.

Kerry Oil Candles

Traditional look nylon shell candle, with kerry oil canisters within. The calm of candle light without the soot and wax melt.

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Electronic Votive Candle Stands

Electronic stands holding votive candles that emit a gentle light, safely and cleanly emulating traditional prayer cierges.

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Under the Kerry Oil Candle system, disposable metal canisters containing oil and with an adjustable wick are placed inside a nylon shell that looks like a wax candle. Once the benefits of oil candles being used in the sanctuary became plain, parishes asked us to produce electronic votive candle stands so that the significant fire risk and wax damage to church floors that result from the use of wax votive candles could be eliminated.

These two related product ranges, while different in application, produce the same beneficial result:  wax mess is a thing of the past.

Unfortunately we do not have a showroom. Our factory can be visited by appointment.


This special candle stand remains from a pre-ordered batch

Sale Price: $6500 (Retail Price: $8000)

Lights: 50  | Style: Large | Colour: Dark Brown

This stand can be fitted with stubby nylon lights or with glass lights. The image at right gives an example of the light styles. Glass lights can be red, blue, or clear.

The sale price includes delivery, GST, and a 12 month warranty.

This unit comes with a column style timber base incorporating a locking money box for offerings.

Excellent value, this is a ”one off” opportunity, as all future candle stands will be sold by order, with cabinet making work only undertaken once a deposit has been paid. This stand will go to the first parish to commit to it.

Call or email us on 0428 458 575, or at

Kerry Oil Candles sale item candle stand

50-light dark brown wood candle stand.

Sale Price: $6500. Usual Price $8000

KERRY Oil Candles sale item lights style on white background

Lights reference photo.

Lights can be blue, red or clear. Contact Ken to purchase

Frequently Asked Questions

A 6.5cm oil canister will burn for 50 to 60 hours. A 5.3cm oil canister should burn for 40 to 50 hours, and a 3.5cm oil canister for 15 to 20 hours. The time that a canister will burn for depends on whether the flame is properly trimmed so that it burns cleanly with no smoke.

Leaving aside no longer having to remove wax from altar linen and church carpets on a weekly basis, satisfied customers have told us that by using our candle oil canisters they have secured costs savings of at least 40% over the cost of paraffin wax candles.

Yes. We will need to liaise with the parish cabinet maker to ensure that there is enough internal clearance for the light modules in the “one off” light unit, and that the hole sizes for the lights are exact.

We do not have a showroom. Entry to the factory is by appointment only.

Contact us for any questions

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